I am recognized as the leading authority in Canada on the Goods and Services
Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax, through my authorship of the following publications (published
by Carswell / Thomson Reuters):
My Analysis in the Canada GST Service is the only
detailed commentary on every section of the GST and HST legislation. The GST
Case Notes and Canada GST Cases contain my detailed case comments
on every reported Court decision dealing with the GST or HST. My Analysis and case
comments have been quoted with approval many times by the Courts.
Because I work so intensively with the GST/HST legislation and
case law, I know it "inside out" and can come up with solutions that few
others would find.
In May 2004 I spent an afternoon teaching GST to the Judges of the
Tax Court of Canada, at the request of the Judges, to improve their ability to
decide GST appeals.
I have also done extensive work on behalf of clients, solving
GST problems, dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency and making proposed GST/HST assessments
"disappear". Click here to read some "Magic"
case histories.